How to Delete All Followers on Instagram at Once? Easiest Method!

Wondering how to delete all followers on Instagram at once? We understand your pain. It’s really tough to find a solution that actually works, but this just might!

How to Delete All Followers on Instagram at Once
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Instagram has become a bustling marketplace for marketing professionals. Brands as well are trying to leverage the huge user base this app has. Sometimes, you need to get rid of a lot of followers at once. Because you want to convert your account into something else. Or you have too many ghost followers who aren’t helping your marketing game.

So, what’s the solution to this? First of all, this is not possible from inside the Instagram app, so stop fidgeting around with it. You can do this via an external app that has been designed to unfollow and block users.

Unfollowing vs. Blocking

Unfollowing and Blocking are two different things on Instagram. For clarity, you should know that by unfollowing someone, you stop getting their posts in your feed. But if the same person follows you, they can still view your posts.

Blocking someone disables them from viewing your profile or posts. You can cancel this action anytime you like. It is sometimes referred to as deleting on Instagram.

How to delete multiple followers on Instagram using an App?

There are a number of Apps available on Play Store (for Android) and App Store (iOS) that can do this for you.

Cleaner for Instagram is an app that will let you unfollow or block several users at one click. The app’s full functionality can be uncovered by upgrading to the paid version but otherwise it’s a great tool for the same. You also get other options such as deleting several photos at once as well. This app works particularly well on iOS.

Unfollowers for Instagram, Follow Cop is yet another tool for Android users that can help you carry out the same functions. You can gain stats for unfollowers, stats for fans and similar things using this app.

How to Delete All Followers on Instagram at Once that don’t follow you back?

It’s often frustrating when you return favors to people by following them and they unfollow you after some time. But it’s hard to check who unfollowed you and when. So, to deal with this issue, we have more apps in our lineup.

Followers Tool For Instagram will let you analyze a bunch of statistics related to your account such as unfollowers who recently unfollowed you. You can also block and follow multiple users at once using this tool.

Tracker for Instagram will help you do the same on iOS. You can view various stats such as new followers over a given time. What are your most popular posts? etc. If you’re wondering how to remove followers on Instagram, this is the app for you.

Using the above tools, you can easily master your Instagram marketing game and make sure you stay on the top. With analytics and Instagram mass unfollow tool, you can manage your account like never before! If you're still not clear on how to delete all followers on Instagram at once, you can contact us for more details.

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