Many eager Virtual assistants are traumatized by the idea of making their own website. It can get hectic because building a website requires a lot of work and that too right from the scratch. Fortunately, you don’t necessarily require a website to get your VA business started! There are numerous other ways by which you can have a presence on the internet without actually building a website. Social network marketing is the ideal way to build and grow your VA profile and bring a steady stream of business your way.
When you think about it the purpose of a website becomes quite clear. It is to tell the crowd about your services. Instead use the tips mentioned below through which you can even better explain your client about the core website idea
Creating an impressive portfolio
Always begin with designing a professional looking online portfolio because a portfolio that looks rookie like would not catch the interest of your client. You can also create a pdf format-portfolio and edit it likewise so that it looks distinct and appreciable. Many websites and applications allow you to sign in freely and create the document.
Create a business page to link to your social network marketing strategy
Create a business page. Include the services that you will be providing to your page. Be sure to create a public and keep it professional. If you keep it personal as well, it will not grab as much attention. Now use this page to link to all your social networking profiles. When you start your social network marketing, you will be leading your clientele to this business page to get your complete business ideas at one glance. In fact, you can also create a professional social media business page to achieve the same results for this purpose.
Creating professional social network profiles
The social network profiles are at the very core of your social network marketing strategies. Make a professional social media profile. You can also include your experience and try to get as many endorsements as possible. Also, do keep in mind that many people use social networking sites so try to make your site as recognizable as possible. You should add to your brand with a business logo, your professional profile picture and contact information. Make sure the logo is consistently used over all social media profiles for maximum brand visibility.
Professional writing for brand consistency
When you are trying to promote your profile on social network, you have to be even more conscious about the writing level of your content. Social media can be very scrutinizing and clients who want to hire you as virtual assistant would want you to be highly skilled. Typo errors and below par communicative language does not give out that image.
What can you do for better communication during social network marketing?
The documents that you create online, keep updating and adding information regularly. If updates are not regular then your site will start losing the interest of your target audiences. Other thing is that make sure you mention the rates of the services that you offer. Transparency is critical in communication. Any rates or additional charges should be very clearly mentioned or it might cause some problems later on. Make sure you clearly communicate whatever you intend to say. There should be no grammatical mistakes.
Social Network Marketing – Paid and Unpaid
You should have a direct strategy that works in two-folds. Social network marketing requires can be handled through paid means. This includes using social media advertisement to bring in more people to view, react or comment on your social media posts. You achieve these audiences through paid promotions.
For organic traffic through social network marketing, fall back on keyword research and regular social media updates. You also need to introduce your branding through these posts. Add your logo to the posts. Have an opinion on the latest industry news and current hot topics. Establish yourself as a niche expert and people will trust you for their projects more than the completion.
These are some of the ways through which you can start you virtual assistant business even without having a website. As you can see it is not quite difficult. All you need is some patience and dedication and you can still run your business and start hiring people based on their talents. If you need any more help regarding setting up business you can refer to other websites that also train you to set up your website. There might be some more useful tips and tricks that you might get to learn. Until then start establishing your business empire with your social media profiles first.