How To Protect Your Facebook privacy Without Deleting Your Account

No matter how advanced today’s modern world is there always lies a risk to privacy and safety while using anything that is technology related. In today’s article, we will talk about ways where you can protect Facebook privacy without having to delete your account.

Can you protect Facebook privacy without deleting the Facebook account?

Absolutely. If there are risks there are also solutions to that you must remember.

  1. Sign in to your account with your Facebook id and password.
  2. Go to the settings options on the toolbar of your Facebook app.
  3. Select the option that says Apps.
  4.  You will see a list of applications that you've been using.
  5. Now, you can remove apps which are there but you don't use or need. To do so click on the Remove option.

This way you ensure one thing and that is only you give permission to apps to use your data. More and more cases of Facebook privacy issue are coming up. It is because knowingly or unknowingly you give the permission to third-party applications to go through your secured data. You must also keep in mind that to protect privacy on Facebook you have to keep your sensitive data to yourself.

Some other ways you can protect privacy on Facebook.

  • According to researchers, most people on Facebook take part on quizzes that seem to be too simple and easy. So, to be safe from any Facebook data privacy controversies you must think twice before putting your data.
  • Be the master of your privacy settings. It is up to you to decide who shall and who can't see your posts or mobile number or the list of your friends and so much more. Go to the setting options and choose privacy to protect privacy on Facebook.
  • When your friends share pictures of you on their timeline and tag you on it, you can face Facebook privacy issue. To make sure your privacy is protected ask your friends to keep their privacy settings checked.
  • Facebook provides notifications to users when someone tries to log-in to a Facebook account with the help of some other device. Turn on the authentication factor where you will have to type the code sent to your device everytime you wish to be on Facebook. This way Facebook data privacy controversies can be kept in check.
  • View your own profile and see how a stranger sees it. Go to your own Facebook profile and check out your profile the way someone else would by selecting the view as an option. Here, you will get to see the posts and pictures you post and how strangers see it. If you are uncomfortable about something then change the privacy settings of that post by clicking on that post on your screen.

Technology or Facebook is a boon to mankind. The ability to reach out to anyone leaving anywhere in the world is astounding. But some people use this beautiful gift and turn it into a curse. So, to protect privacy without deleting the Facebook account you must do these things.


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